An analysis of the present offer of graduate programs on knowledge management



Published 18-09-2018
Olga Rivera Olga de la Orden Olazagasti Stanislav Ranguelov


This article shows, in a summarized way, the main conclusions about the state of the art of Knowledge Management subjects on graduate programs. The paper gives a valuation of the level of development of this discipline in the Basque Country, Spain as well as in some prestigious international institutions dedicated to long life education for managers.

Data about the present offer and its qualitative analysis are given to show the short development reached and its possible causes.

How to Cite

Rivera, O., de la Orden Olazagasti, O., & Ranguelov, S. (2018). An analysis of the present offer of graduate programs on knowledge management. Cuadernos De Gestión, 3(1-2), 27–47.
Abstract 76 | PDF (Español) Downloads 51



Knowledge management, long life training, graduate programs, managers' training

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