Delimiting of the Marketing with Reason or Social Corporate Marketing by means of the analysis of companies that realize actions of social responsibility



Published 18-09-2018
Joao Augusto Ramos e Silva Iñaki Periáñez Cañadillas


This paper is proved of an investigation done to analyze if the characteristics of the Cause Related Marketing or Social Corporate Marketing, which proposes the literature, are reproduced in the studies of cases of companies that develop action of Business for Social Responsibility in Spain. It can be said that the methodology of the study has two stages: initial inductive, based on the literature and on the cases of companies, studied qualitatively in search of a model or hypothesis and a deductive second, of quantitative analysis of the definite variables. For the empirical analysis there were used all 111 cases of companies that were refilling a questionnaire on line in the web page of the Fundación Empresa y Sociedad. The results seek to answer the questions raised to near the differences between Cause Related Marketing, Social Corporate Marketing, Philanthropy and Business for Social Responsibility, identifying his principal stakeholders and contributions.

How to Cite

Ramos e Silva, J. A., & Periáñez Cañadillas, I. (2018). Delimiting of the Marketing with Reason or Social Corporate Marketing by means of the analysis of companies that realize actions of social responsibility. Cuadernos De Gestión, 3(1-2), 65–82.
Abstract 611 | PDF (Español) Downloads 370



Cause related marketing, social corporate responsability, third sector, no lucrative organization, stakeholders

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