Empirical study of the indebtedness, cost of the debt and profitabilities of the footwear industry of La Rioja: Comparison by size and sector



Published 18-09-2018
Miguel Ángel Acedo Rodríguez José Eduardo Rodríguez Osés


This work studies the indebtedness level, cost of indebtedness and return of the shoe industry in the region of La Rioja by sectors and size. According to Industrial Economy, which claims that the industry is the main factor determining the results of organizations, we analyze whether the studied variables differ due to their application to the shoe industry compared to the food and agriculture industry, the main industry in the region. On the other hand, according to the Theory of Resources and Capacities, which considers that some internal factors account for the differences in the return obtained, we focus on an internal resource, i.e. size, considering its impact on the abovementioned variables. Finally, the results of the joint study of several industries by homogeneous sizes allows to claim that the cost of indebtedness in small enterprises differs significantly according to the particular industry they belong to.

How to Cite

Acedo Rodríguez, M. Ángel, & Rodríguez Osés, J. E. (2018). Empirical study of the indebtedness, cost of the debt and profitabilities of the footwear industry of La Rioja: Comparison by size and sector. Cuadernos De Gestión, 3(1-2), 123–142. https://doi.org/10.5295/cdg.19204ma
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ROI, ROE, indebtedness, debt cost, shoe sector, company size

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