The promotion of sales on the consumer markets: Offer of a new approach of promotional management



Published 18-09-2018
Francisco Javier Villalba Merlo Iñaki Periáñez Cañadillas


Nowadays, there are many factors that have provoked a greater use of promotion by some manufacturers in the consumption markets. Traditionally, firms have used promotion as the last resource for the achievement of the goals of selling. When we analyse promotional management, this kind of performance represents an orientation to sales.

In our field work we justify the breaking-off with this management phylosophy, starting with a new definition for "sales promotion", that includes the internal consequences for the companies that perform it. After we have defined the subject of our study, we analyse the role of the Promotion Actions when creating steady relationships with the consumers, in order to finish proponing a New Instructor Model to the Promotions Management that helps to the achievement of some commercial goals, other than to the raising of short-term sales, due to the Promotion Actions developed by the manufacturers.

How to Cite

Villalba Merlo, F. J., & Periáñez Cañadillas, I. (2018). The promotion of sales on the consumer markets: Offer of a new approach of promotional management. Cuadernos De Gestión, 2(2), 11–24.
Abstract 286 | PDF (Español) Downloads 5252



Sales Promotion, Promotional Marketing, Consumption Markets

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