Construction of simplified indices of country risk. An Approach to the cases of Europe and America



Published 18-09-2018
Juan Carlos Ayala Calvo Txomin Iturralde Jainaga Arturo Rodríguez Castellanos


The authors of this paper propose the construction of two new country risk indexes, called «Simplified Index and «Observational Index», based on the semester values of each one of the nine variables that compose the country index elaborated by Euromoney, in the period between September of 1992 and September of 2002, for 41 European countries and 30 American countries. Both indices contain only four variables (of the nine proposed by the Euromoney country risk index) and still allow a reliable representation of the Euromoney ranking of countries by country risk.

Furthermore, the study shows that the relative weight of each variable of the country risk index differs for different country clusters, i.e. Europe and America.

How to Cite

Ayala Calvo, J. C., Iturralde Jainaga, T., & Rodríguez Castellanos, A. (2018). Construction of simplified indices of country risk. An Approach to the cases of Europe and America. Cuadernos De Gestión, 2(2), 79–100.
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Country risk, risk index, Europe, America

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