Bertoko case



Published 23-12-2001
Gloria Aparicio de Castro Leire Barañano Orbe Amaia Lafuente Ruiz de Sabando


Bertoko Gar, S.A. is a minibrewer firm established in 1999. It produces and sells a beer characterized by its local and home-produced character. Despite the fact that no other bottled beer brewers with the same characteristics exist in its home market, Bertoko competes in a market dominated by multinationals. Once it has set its aims, Bertoko is currently designing its marketing strategy and setting which are the actions to be taken for its near future (some of which are detailed in this case).

How to Cite

Aparicio de Castro, G., Barañano Orbe, L., & Lafuente Ruiz de Sabando, A. (2001). Bertoko case. Cuadernos De Gestión, 1(2), 107–117.
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