Transparency, Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance: Human Capital of companies



Published 16-12-2019
Francisca Tejedo Romero Joaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves Araujo


Companies develop their activity in an environment characterized by knowledge-based economies, with qualified and highly skilled workers. Human Capital is one of the most important intangible resources that companies have to generate sustainable wealth. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the Human Capital information provided by companies in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance. Using the methodology of content analysis, this paper analyses the Human Capital disclosure contained in social responsibility reports of Spanish companies belonging to the IBEX 35. In addition, it identifies factors related to Corporate Governance (characteristics of the Board of Directors, and ownership structure of companies) with greatest impact on information provision. Balanced panel data are used to test our hypotheses. Empirical evidence shows a quadratic U-shaped relationship among the size of the board, independence, and the ownership concentration with Human Capital disclosure; and an inverted U-shaped relationship between managers' ownership of shares and Human Capital disclosure. In addition, it has been found that companies with greater gender diversity on their Board, as well as with greater board activity, tend to disclose more information related to Human Capital.

How to Cite

Tejedo Romero, F., & Ferraz Esteves Araujo, J. F. (2019). Transparency, Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance: Human Capital of companies. Cuadernos De Gestión, 18(2), 133–162.
Abstract 434 | PDF Downloads 170



Transparency, Human Capital, Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance

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