Involvement, consistency and adaptability in the new style of relations (ner). The experience of ner Group in the Basque Country



Published 18-12-2019
María Alvarez Sainz Kepa Xabier Apellaniz Valle


This paper analyses the perception the people working at the organizations of ner Group in the Basque Country have of the cultural features of the new style of relationships (ner), created by Koldo Saratxaga during his successful running of Irizar Group. The ner, an innovation in culture and management, an answer to the challenges placed by the Technologies of Information and Communication and the Knowledge Society, is based on persons, basic pillars of the organizations; persons who work in self-managed teams with responsibility, confidence and freedom to reach customers satisfaction. The commitment and integration of persons with the organization they work for are strengthened by implementing internal solidarity based on the reduction of the wage differences, the profit sharing and the employment security in case of crisis, using then the relocations between organizations of ner Group.The developed empirical research, once designed an specific questionnaire, allows us to conclude that the majority of the people declare a high level of Involvement, consider the ner an organizational and management tool which makes directing activity to reach customer satisfaction feasible, they perceive the existing Consistency and voice that this makes possible relationships based on mutual trust and they judge positively the existing Adaptability, portrayed by commitment to the internal solidarity and to society and community.

How to Cite

Alvarez Sainz, M., & Apellaniz Valle, K. X. (2019). Involvement, consistency and adaptability in the new style of relations (ner). The experience of ner Group in the Basque Country. Cuadernos De Gestión, 19(2), 85–112.
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New style of relationships, ner Group, commitment, responsibility, confidence, management

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