Storytelling as a tool for internal communication: a proposed management model



Published 20-12-2019
Kelly Robledo Dioses Tomás Atarama Rojas Alberto López-Hermida Russo


This article studies the use of storytelling within companies and institutions as an effective tool for the management of internal communication, with which to create loyalty and generate engagement with employees. It starts with a theoretical revision about value of stories and analyzes the potential that its application has to effectively communicate corporate values and at the same time strengthen the corporate culture. Then, it presents the EMC2 story, a multinational considered by the Great Place to Work Institute as one of the best to workplace in the world. The hypothesis holds that storytelling can promote the development of employees by making them protagonists of a story that impulse them to grow up professional and personally, and also proposes the capacity of stories to generate employee identification with their institution. As methodology, the present investigation proposes a storytelling development model which aims to give the employee a significant role in corporate story. The proposed structure is applied to EMC2 case, a company also considered by DiversityInc in the top 50 of companies characterized by diversity. As a contribution to the construction of business story, it has identified the different elements that integrate it and will make it an excellent tool to link the employee in an inspiring and own project.

How to Cite

Robledo Dioses, K., Atarama Rojas, T., & López-Hermida Russo, A. (2019). Storytelling as a tool for internal communication: a proposed management model. Cuadernos De Gestión, 20(1), 137–154.
Abstract 4078 | PDF (Español) Downloads 2643



Internal communication, storytelling, employees, corporate values, EMC2

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