Effect of cooperative management on organizational agility with the mediating role of employee empowerment in public transportation sector



Published 18-03-2020
Bagher Asgarnezhad Nouri Masume Mir Mousavi


Different conditions in today's organizational societies have led many firms to identify effective strategies to achieve the goal of agility for rapid adaptation to ever-increasing environmental changes. Cooperative management and employee empowerment as emerging managerial concepts can play an important role in promoting agility in a variety of firms, including in the transportation sector. The main objective of the present study was to investigate the impact of cooperative management system on organizational agility by considering the mediating role of employee empowerment in public transportation. Statistical population of the research consisted of all employees of Tabriz and Suburbs Bus Company (n = 650). The estimated sample size based on Cochran`s formula was 242 people. For measurement of variables, standard questionnaires were used. The research hypotheses were tested by using PLS and Spss and by modeling structural equations. Results suggested that cooperative management has a positive effect on both organizational agility and employee empowerment, and also empowerment has a significant effect on organizational agility. Further, it was concluded that employee empowerment mediates the relationship between cooperative management and organizational agility in Tabriz and Suburbs Bus Company. The present research is one of the few studies that has examined the relationship between the three concepts of organizational agility, cooperative management and employee empowerment in the transportation industry.

How to Cite

Asgarnezhad Nouri, B., & Mir Mousavi, M. (2020). Effect of cooperative management on organizational agility with the mediating role of employee empowerment in public transportation sector. Cuadernos De Gestión, 20(2), 15–46. https://doi.org/10.5295/cdg.170873ba
Abstract 248 | PDF Downloads 142



Cooperative Management, organizational agility, employee empowerment, public transportation sector.

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