Does game repetition influence advergaming effectiveness? The role of brand familiarity



Published 18-03-2020
Sara Catalán Eva Martínez


In the last few years, advergames have become an innovative tool through which advertisers are sending their advertising messages to their target audiences. Some of the most recent advergames usually take the form of a gaming app, so that consumers can play them through their mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) as many times as they want. However, the effect of repeated exposure to the advergame on its effectiveness has received limited attention in previous advergaming literature. In order to fill this gap, the purpose of this study is to analyse the effect of advergame repetition on its effectiveness, measured as players' brand attitude and purchase intentions. In addition, this study is aimed at investigating the role played by players' familiarity with the brand promoted in the advergame on this relationship. Based on a sample of 234 Irish participants who played an advergame from the well-known snack food brand Oreo, findings show that both brand attitude and purchase intentions of players with less brand familiarity have a curvilinear relationship with game repetition. On the contrary, players who are more familiar with the brand promoted in the advergame show a linear relationship among game repetition and players' brand attitude and purchase intentions.

How to Cite

Catalán, S., & Martínez, E. (2020). Does game repetition influence advergaming effectiveness? The role of brand familiarity. Cuadernos De Gestión, 20(2), 149–168.
Abstract 163 | PDF (Español) Downloads 84



Advergames, games, repetition, brand familiarity, brand attitude, purchase intention.

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