The relationship between the use of work-life benefits and policies (WLBPs) and job satisfaction: the mediating role of the work-to-family conflict



Published 27-11-2020
Liliana María Gutiérrez-Vargas
Henry Antonio Arenas-Cardona
María del Socorro López-Gómez


The relationship between the use of work-life benefits and policies, work-family conflict and job satisfaction has been one of the key debates in the discipline of Human Resources Management. This study proposes a mediation model to analyze the relationship between the use of work-life benefits and policies (WLBPs) and job satisfaction. The study contributes to the literature by empirically examining the antecedents of this endogenous variable in greater depth. Therefore, this research fills a gap in the literature through the analysis of the mediating function of the work-family conflict in the direction in which work interferes with family. This work uses partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), a variance-based structural equations modeling technique, to test and validate the research model and the hypotheses posited on a sample of 559 employees from different Colombian private-sector firms. The results show that perception of the work-to-family conflict is a significant mediator in the relationship between the use of benefits and job satisfaction. The type of mediation observed is partial complementary, that is, the work-to-family conflict increases the effect of the use of work-life benefits and policies on job satisfaction.

How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Vargas, L. M., Arenas-Cardona, H. A., & López-Gómez, M. del S. (2020). The relationship between the use of work-life benefits and policies (WLBPs) and job satisfaction: the mediating role of the work-to-family conflict. Cuadernos De Gestión, 20(3), 75–86.
Abstract 866 | PDF (Español) Downloads 470



work-life benefits and policies, work satisfaction, work-to-family conflict, work-life balance, corporate social responsibility

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