Work-family conflict role in the relationship between organizational climate and intentions to leave



Published 03-12-2020
Luis Roberto Domínguez-Aguirre Israel Lozano-Jiménez Álvaro Fabricio Ramírez-Campos


Currently, studies have substantially documented the relationships between components of the organizational climate and intentions to leave an organization. However, there is scarce evidence of these relationships, when there are conflicts between work and family. This article aims to show the relationships of the organizational climate with turnover intention when the work-family conflict (WFC) is involved in the prediction equation in its mediating role. The method included the interview of 292 employees of five-star hotels for measuring the related attitudes between these three variables using linear regression analysis to test the hypotheses showing the model with the highest variance in the turnover intention. The results describe the models required by the mediation test with the limitations of observing a single type of organization, inhibiting the generalization of the results. In spite of this, the originality of the study lies in proving the existence of this mediating role. The relevance of the findings is that it is shown that intention to leave because of unfavorable labor climate at organization is partially but significantly influenced by the work-family conflict. The implementation of actions that promote, in their management policies, the possibility of supporting employees with the balance between their work and family relationships, can facilitate a work environment that reduces staff turnover.

How to Cite

Domínguez-Aguirre, L. R., Lozano-Jiménez, I., & Ramírez-Campos, Álvaro F. (2020). Work-family conflict role in the relationship between organizational climate and intentions to leave. Cuadernos De Gestión, 20(3), 87–97.
Abstract 709 | PDF (Español) Downloads 410



Organizational climate, turnover intention, personnel turnover, hotel, hospitality, work-family conflict

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