Exploring the factors affecting the use of C2C in Colombia
Javier A. Sánchez Torres
Alexander Varón Sandoval
Francisco Javier Arroyo Cañada
Sandra Rojas Berrio
Facultad de ciencias económicas y administrativas, Universidad de Medellín, Bloque 6 de 103. Cra. 87 #30-65, Medellín. Antioquia (Colombia)
Alexander Varón Sandoval
Facultad de Ciencias de la Administración, Departamento de administración y organizaciones. Universidad del Valle Sede San Fernando. Edificio 124, Calle 4B No 36-00,
Santiago de Cali, Valle del Cauca (Colombia)
Francisco Javier Arroyo Cañada
Departament d’Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Diagonal, 690 Torre 2 3.ª Planta (España)
Sandra Rojas Berrio
Facultad de ciencias económicas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá (Colombia)
This study analyses the factors that users of consumer-to-consumer (C2C) commerce value as direct influences in the intention to use and the acceptance of a marketplace. An empirical model is formulated, which integrates three variables that evaluate trust and, in turn, other variables that influence C2C intention and purchases, taking a sample of 686 surveys gathered using the Internet in Colombia. The results show that trust is a fundamental factor in this type of electronic commerce in Colombia, given that C2C users seek intermediation pages with third-party recognition (TPR) and high web quality; similarly, key variables in the adoption of this type of commercial platform include finding low prices and social influence. The perception of trust in this type of electronic commerce is a broader concept that requires the analysis of psychosocial factors. For companies that manage marketplaces, this study allows them to focus on key actions and tools in their websites. This study allows one to get to know the users of this transactional system, specifically for the Latin American region, highlighting the variables that they most consider when engaging in direct commerce between people. The results show that C2C requires marketplaces that guarantee the necessary conditions for a purchase/sale transaction with trust and quality.
How to Cite
Electronic purchase, C2C, adoption, UTAUT, electronic commerce, marketplace
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