Integration of health care in Euskadi: qualitative research and diagnosis of the implementation process of Osakidetza-Basque Health System
Goizalde Hernando Saratxaga
Julen Izagirre Olaizola
María Soledad Aguirre García
Julen Izagirre Olaizola
María Soledad Aguirre García
This article analyzes the health care integration process implemented in the Basque Country (Spain) within its public health system (Osakidetza – an international benchmark), as well as the perception of people leading it. The integration process is necessary in the current context and it proposes to intervene with a broad vision on the health of citizens, which requires rejecting a limited vision of health in favor of a coordinated and transversal work of the health system with other public administrations and social agents. The new model aims to move towards a proactive and much more patient-centered system and implies a significant change in its structures and care tools.A qualitative methodology applied consists on a case study based on in-depth interviews. The research enables to identify its strengths and to detect the key elements to improve. Among these factors, we can identify the Integrated Sanitary Organization (ISO), the integrated information and ICT systems, the new roles of nurses, the program contract, as well as the changes addressed to the empowerment of the patient and to the coordination among professionals as well as among the community and social ambit.
How to Cite
Hernando Saratxaga, G., Izagirre Olaizola, J., & Aguirre García, M. S. (2021). Integration of health care in Euskadi: qualitative research and diagnosis of the implementation process of Osakidetza-Basque Health System. Cuadernos De Gestión, 21(1), 61–73.
health, integration, Osakidetza, public management, health system, integrated care
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Asgarnezhad Nouri, B. y Mir Mousavi, M., 2020. Effect of cooperative management on organizational agility with the mediating role of employee empowerment in public transportation sector. Cuadernos de Gestión, 20 (2), 15-46.
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Bedregal, P., Besoain, C., Reinoso A. y Zubarew T., 2017. La investigación cualitativa: un aporte para mejorar los servicios de salud. Revista Med Chile, 145, 373-379.
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Cramm J.M., Tsiachristas A. y Walters B.H., 2013. The management of cardiovascular disease in the Netherlands: analysis of different programs. International Journal of Integrated Care, 13.
Dai J., Zhao L. y Liang Y., 2013. Policy implementation of methadone maintenance treatment and HIV infection: evidence from Hubei province, China. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention and Policy, 8 (1), 8-38.
Davis K., Schoenbaum S.C. y Audet A.M., 2005. A 2020 vision of patient-centered primary care. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 20, 953-957.
De Stampa, M., Vedel, I., Bergman, H., Novella, J.L., Lechowski, L., Ankri, J. y Lapointe, L., 2013. Opening the Black Box of Clinical Collaboration in Integrated Care Models for Frail, Elderly Patients. The Gerontologist, 53(2), 313-325.
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Gallarza, M.G., Gil-Saura, I. y Arteaga-Moreno, F., 2020. Conceptualización y medición del valor percibido: consensos y controversias. Cuadernos de Gestión, 20 (1), 65-88.
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González López, J.L. y Ruiz Hernández, P., 2011. Investigación cualitativa versus cuantitativa: ¿dicotomía metodológica o ideológica? Index de enfermería, 20 (3), 189-193.
González Mestre, A., 2014. La autonomía del paciente con enfermedades crónicas: de paciente pasivo a paciente activo. Enfermería Clínica, 24 (1), 67-73.
Goodwin J. y Horowitz R., 2002. Introduction: The Methodological Strengths and Dilemmas of Qualitative Sociology. Qualitative Sociology, 25 (1), 33-47.
Holum L.C., 2012. «It is a good idea, but…» A qualitative study of implementation of «Individual Plan» in Norwegian mental health care. International Journal of Integrated Care, 12, e15.
Jauregui, M.L., Silvestre, C., Valdés, P. y Gaminde, I., 2016. Qualitative Evaluation of the Implementation of an Integrated Care Delivery Model for Chronic Patients with Multi-Morbidity in the Basque Country. International Journal of Integrated Care, 16 (3), 9.
Lawrence P.A. y Lorsch J.W., 1967. Organization and environment: managing differentiation and integration. Boston: Harvard University Press.
March Cerdà, J.C., Prieto Rodríguez, M.A., Hernán García, M. y Solas Gaspar, O., 1999. Técnicas cualitativas para la investigación en salud pública y gestión de servicios de salud: algo más que otro tipo de técnicas. Gaceta Sanitaria, 13 (4), 312-319.
Mur-Veeman I., Van Raak A. y Paulus A., 1999. Integrated care: the impact of governmental behaviour on collaborative networks. Health Policy, 49, 149-159.
Murgado-Armenteros E.M., Gutiérrez-Salcedo M., Torres-Ruiz F.J. y Cobo M.J., 2015. Analysing the conceptual evolution of qualitative marketing research through science mapping analysis. Scientometrics, 102, 519-557.
Nolte E. y McKee M., 2008. Caring for people with chronic conditions. A health system perspective. London: McGraw Hill.
Nuño Solinís, R., 2016. Desarrollo e implementación de la estrategia de cronicidad del País Vasco: lecciones aprendidas. Gaceta Sanitaria, 30 (1), 106-110.
Nuño Solinís, R., 2017. Revisiting Organisational Learning in Integrated Care. International Journal of Integrated Care, 17 (4), 4. DOI:
OCDE (Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico), 2014. Estudio sobre el índice de bienestar regional, 2014.
OMS (Organización Mundial de la Salud), 1986. Carta de Ottawa para la Promoción de Salud. Primera Conferencia Internacional sobre la Promoción de Salud, 21 noviembre de 1986.
OMS (Organización Mundial de la Salud), 2015. WHO global strategy on people-centred and integrated health services. Consultado el 10 de septiembre de 2019 en
Patton M., 2002. Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods. 3.ª ed., Thousand Oaks, EEUU: SAGE.
Rittenhouse D.R. y Shortell S.M., 2009. The patient-centered medical home: Will it stand the test of health reform? Journal of the American Medical Association, 301, 2038-2040.
Segato F. y Masella C., 2017. Integrated care in action: opening the «black box» of implementation. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 32, 50-71.
Singer S.J., Burgers J., Friedberg M., Rosenthal M.B., Leape L. y Schneider E., 2011. Defining and measuring integrated patient care: promoting the next frontier in health care delivery. Medical Care Research and Review, 68 (1), 112-127.
Thompson, J. D., 1967. Organizations in action: Social science bases of administrative theory. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Toro Polanco, N., Vázquez Pérez, P., Nuño Solinís, R. y Mira Solves, J.J., 2014. Evaluation of the new integrated care approach in the Basque Country. Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra, 37 (2), 189-2011.
Toro Polanco, N., Berraondo Zabalegui, I., Perez Irazusta, I., Nuño Solinís, R. y Del Río Cámara, M., 2015. Building integrated care systems: a case study of Bidasoa Integrated Health Organisation. International Journal of Integrated Care, 15 (2), none.
Valentijn P.P., Schepman S.M., Opheij W. y Bruijnzeels M.A., 2013. Understanding integrated care: a comprehensive conceptual framework based on the integrative functions of primary care. International Journal of Integrated Care, 13, 1-12.
Vázquez ML., Vargas I., Nuño R. y Toro N., 2012. Organizaciones sanitarias integradas y otros ejemplos de colaboración entre proveedores. Informe SESPAS 2012. Gaceta Sanitaria, 26 (1), 94-101.
Wagner E.H., 1998. Chronic disease management: What will it take to improve care for chronic illness? Effective Clinical Practice, 1 (1), 2-4.
Asgarnezhad Nouri, B. y Mir Mousavi, M., 2020. Effect of cooperative management on organizational agility with the mediating role of employee empowerment in public transportation sector. Cuadernos de Gestión, 20 (2), 15-46.
Axelsson R. y Axelsson B., 2006. Integration and collaboration in public health – a conceptual framework. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 21, 75-88.
Bate P., 2000. Changing the culture of a hospital: from hierarchy to networked community. Public Administration Review, 78, 485-512.
Bedregal, P., Besoain, C., Reinoso A. y Zubarew T., 2017. La investigación cualitativa: un aporte para mejorar los servicios de salud. Revista Med Chile, 145, 373-379.
Belk R.W., 2006. Handbook of qualitative research methods in marketing. London: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Birrell D. y Heenan D., 2014. Integrated care partnership in northern Ireland: added value or added bureaucracy? Journal of Integrated Care, 22, 197-207.
Cramm J.M., Tsiachristas A. y Walters B.H., 2013. The management of cardiovascular disease in the Netherlands: analysis of different programs. International Journal of Integrated Care, 13.
Dai J., Zhao L. y Liang Y., 2013. Policy implementation of methadone maintenance treatment and HIV infection: evidence from Hubei province, China. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention and Policy, 8 (1), 8-38.
Davis K., Schoenbaum S.C. y Audet A.M., 2005. A 2020 vision of patient-centered primary care. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 20, 953-957.
De Stampa, M., Vedel, I., Bergman, H., Novella, J.L., Lechowski, L., Ankri, J. y Lapointe, L., 2013. Opening the Black Box of Clinical Collaboration in Integrated Care Models for Frail, Elderly Patients. The Gerontologist, 53(2), 313-325.
Departamento de Salud del Gobierno Vasco, 2014. Plan de Salud 2013-2020. 2.ª edición. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Servicio central de publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco.
Departamento de Salud del Gobierno Vasco, 2015. Encuesta de salud del País Vasco 2013.Vitoria-Gasteiz: Servicio central de publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco.
Departamento de Sanidad y Consumo del País Vasco, 2010. Estrategia para afrontar el reto de la cronicidad en Euskadi. Bilbao: Departamento de Sanidad y Consumo del País Vasco.
Departamento de Salud del Gobierno Vasco, 2017. Líneas estratégicas 2013-2016 y 2017-2020. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Servicio central de publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco.
El Mundo, 2019. Médicos y enfermeros de Atención Primaria en Euskadi convocan tres jornadas de huelga. Diario el Mundo, 9 de febrero de 2019.
Gallarza, M.G., Gil-Saura, I. y Arteaga-Moreno, F., 2020. Conceptualización y medición del valor percibido: consensos y controversias. Cuadernos de Gestión, 20 (1), 65-88.
García González, R, 2010. Utilidad de la integración y convergencia de los métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos en las investigaciones en salud. Revista Cubana de Salud Pública, 36. Disponible en: [Acceso mayo 2019].
González López, J.L. y Ruiz Hernández, P., 2011. Investigación cualitativa versus cuantitativa: ¿dicotomía metodológica o ideológica? Index de enfermería, 20 (3), 189-193.
González Mestre, A., 2014. La autonomía del paciente con enfermedades crónicas: de paciente pasivo a paciente activo. Enfermería Clínica, 24 (1), 67-73.
Goodwin J. y Horowitz R., 2002. Introduction: The Methodological Strengths and Dilemmas of Qualitative Sociology. Qualitative Sociology, 25 (1), 33-47.
Holum L.C., 2012. «It is a good idea, but…» A qualitative study of implementation of «Individual Plan» in Norwegian mental health care. International Journal of Integrated Care, 12, e15.
Jauregui, M.L., Silvestre, C., Valdés, P. y Gaminde, I., 2016. Qualitative Evaluation of the Implementation of an Integrated Care Delivery Model for Chronic Patients with Multi-Morbidity in the Basque Country. International Journal of Integrated Care, 16 (3), 9.
Lawrence P.A. y Lorsch J.W., 1967. Organization and environment: managing differentiation and integration. Boston: Harvard University Press.
March Cerdà, J.C., Prieto Rodríguez, M.A., Hernán García, M. y Solas Gaspar, O., 1999. Técnicas cualitativas para la investigación en salud pública y gestión de servicios de salud: algo más que otro tipo de técnicas. Gaceta Sanitaria, 13 (4), 312-319.
Mur-Veeman I., Van Raak A. y Paulus A., 1999. Integrated care: the impact of governmental behaviour on collaborative networks. Health Policy, 49, 149-159.
Murgado-Armenteros E.M., Gutiérrez-Salcedo M., Torres-Ruiz F.J. y Cobo M.J., 2015. Analysing the conceptual evolution of qualitative marketing research through science mapping analysis. Scientometrics, 102, 519-557.
Nolte E. y McKee M., 2008. Caring for people with chronic conditions. A health system perspective. London: McGraw Hill.
Nuño Solinís, R., 2016. Desarrollo e implementación de la estrategia de cronicidad del País Vasco: lecciones aprendidas. Gaceta Sanitaria, 30 (1), 106-110.
Nuño Solinís, R., 2017. Revisiting Organisational Learning in Integrated Care. International Journal of Integrated Care, 17 (4), 4. DOI:
OCDE (Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico), 2014. Estudio sobre el índice de bienestar regional, 2014.
OMS (Organización Mundial de la Salud), 1986. Carta de Ottawa para la Promoción de Salud. Primera Conferencia Internacional sobre la Promoción de Salud, 21 noviembre de 1986.
OMS (Organización Mundial de la Salud), 2015. WHO global strategy on people-centred and integrated health services. Consultado el 10 de septiembre de 2019 en
Patton M., 2002. Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods. 3.ª ed., Thousand Oaks, EEUU: SAGE.
Rittenhouse D.R. y Shortell S.M., 2009. The patient-centered medical home: Will it stand the test of health reform? Journal of the American Medical Association, 301, 2038-2040.
Segato F. y Masella C., 2017. Integrated care in action: opening the «black box» of implementation. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 32, 50-71.
Singer S.J., Burgers J., Friedberg M., Rosenthal M.B., Leape L. y Schneider E., 2011. Defining and measuring integrated patient care: promoting the next frontier in health care delivery. Medical Care Research and Review, 68 (1), 112-127.
Thompson, J. D., 1967. Organizations in action: Social science bases of administrative theory. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Toro Polanco, N., Vázquez Pérez, P., Nuño Solinís, R. y Mira Solves, J.J., 2014. Evaluation of the new integrated care approach in the Basque Country. Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra, 37 (2), 189-2011.
Toro Polanco, N., Berraondo Zabalegui, I., Perez Irazusta, I., Nuño Solinís, R. y Del Río Cámara, M., 2015. Building integrated care systems: a case study of Bidasoa Integrated Health Organisation. International Journal of Integrated Care, 15 (2), none.
Valentijn P.P., Schepman S.M., Opheij W. y Bruijnzeels M.A., 2013. Understanding integrated care: a comprehensive conceptual framework based on the integrative functions of primary care. International Journal of Integrated Care, 13, 1-12.
Vázquez ML., Vargas I., Nuño R. y Toro N., 2012. Organizaciones sanitarias integradas y otros ejemplos de colaboración entre proveedores. Informe SESPAS 2012. Gaceta Sanitaria, 26 (1), 94-101.
Wagner E.H., 1998. Chronic disease management: What will it take to improve care for chronic illness? Effective Clinical Practice, 1 (1), 2-4.
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