Confluence of Factors that Influence Business Model by Digitalisation and Industry 4.0 Technologies



Published 11-09-2024
Meiry Altino Freire de Souza
Maria José Aguilar Madeira
Luísa Carvalho
Filipe Alexandre Pereira Duarte
Lurdes Simão


The emergence of digital technologies and the expansion of their use has significantly transformed organisations and their Business Models (BM), modifying their traditional structures, redefining the client’s meaning and positioning, as well as retally adjusting the way individuals live and interact with each other in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as Industry 4.0 (I4.0). This research aims to reflect on the confluence of factors influencing BM through digitalisation and I4.0 disruptive technologies. Firstly, a Systematic Literature Review was conducted to map the top articles and most persuasive authors in the area, journals, institutions, and countries with the most publications within this theme. Secondly, five thematic clusters were pointed out and analysed through the co-occurrence of keywords. Finally, an in-depth analysis was run to identify influencing aspects of BM in the digitalisation era, relating them to specific I4.0 technologies. The research revealed that digital technologies enable improvements in distribution strategy and traceability, facilitate the relationship between buyers and suppliers, improve customer segmentation and product demand forecasting, enable cost reduction, and assist in implementing circular economy practices. In the context of the pandemic/COVID-19, BM has changed significantly, making it necessary to deepen knowledge about digitalisation and adopt I4.0 technologies.

How to Cite

Freire de Souza, . M. A., Aguilar Madeira, M. J., Carvalho, L., Pereira Duarte, . F. A., & Simão, . L. (2024). Confluence of Factors that Influence Business Model by Digitalisation and Industry 4.0 Technologies. Cuadernos De Gestión, 24(2), 21–37.
Abstract 136 | PDF Downloads 94



Industry 4.0, Digitalisation, Business Models, Factors, Technologies, Innovation

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