Research on cybersecurity and business: A bibliometric review (2004-2023)
Anna M. Gil-Lafuente
José M. Merigó
Cybersecurity poses a significant risk for companies due to the rise in cyberattacks worldwide, leading to increased uncertainty in security management and putting the sustainability of businesses at risk. Despite some academic contributions, limited bibliometric studies on integrating cybersecurity and business information exist. The research aims to assist academics, policymakers, and decision-makers in cybersecurity management. The authors conducted a bibliometric review using scientific mapping and performance analysis. The study used the Web of Science database and Bibliometrix software to analyze 410 articles and 1,355 authors across nine bibliometric indicators between 2004 and 2023. This article is novel in proposing a bibliometric review of cybersecurity and business, as the other studies addressed specific sectors and do not allow for an integrated view of information on these two topics. The main findings showed an annual growth of 27.63% and an international co-authorship of 31.46%. The United States of America has the highest scientific production, followed by the United Kingdom and China. Business Horizons and IEEE Access are the most influential journals in this field of research. This study can improve the analysis of academics, policymakers, and decision-makers in companies regarding security management. Future studies could propose management models to improve cybersecurity in organizations.
How to Cite
Cybersecurity, Business, Safety Management, Scientific Mapping, Bibliometrix, Risk
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