Impact of the transformation of the schoolyard in early childhood and primary education students



Published 2023-07-10
Haizea Egiarte Asier Huegun


School pupils spend about 30 minutes a day in the courtyard. These allow children to play and move freely, but although any place is suitable for playing, it is important to offer areas adapted to children. Most playgrounds have the traditional design, predominates asphalt and the football pitch acquires the center and most of the space. There are schools that have changed the playground, but the impact it has had on its users has not been investigated. The objective of this research is to analyze the impact that the
transformation of the school playground in a school in Durango has had on pupils’ attitudes towards nature and coeducation. Through the qualitative methodology, 7 interviews have been conducted with teachers and parents. 81 Students have also been asked about the new design. The results indicate that the change in design based on coeducation and nature has influenced the attitude of boys and girls towards these areas. Changing playground and the relocation of the football pitch to a corner have allowed girls to occupy the centre of the schoolyard. In addition, the introduction of undetermined natural spaces has brought more mixing between boys and girls and awakened the students desire to explore and experiment. It has been concluded that there is a need to reflect about playgrounds in order to ensure coeducation in schools and to foster the relationship between pupils and nature.

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Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, schoolyard, coeducation, nature
