The use of generative themes for the creation of digital learning materials Oral histories in the classroom



Published 2023-07-10
Nahia Delgado de Frutos Daniel Losada Ainhoa Ezeiza


With the aim of connecting the school with the surrounding community, this research has created teaching materials based on oral histories. To do this, the generative themes proposed by Paulo Freire have been reinterpreted and brought into new situations. Freire proposed taking as a starting point the words and generative themes of a community so that educational processes could be liberating, reducing what he called cultural invasion and giving the subjects a voice. Taking this idea as a starting point, 106 individual interviews conducted in the San Sebastian neighbourhood of Altza were analysed through participatory action research. From these interviews, 30 possible generative themes with a sense of community and coexistence for the people of Altza were identified, from which, after several informal group discussions and after comparing the resulting knowledge with the curriculum and documents, 17 digital didactic units were created. These didactic materials aim to foster community self-esteem, working on knowledge based on the students' prior knowledges and oral histories, promoting critical thinking and building intergenerational communication bridges. These digital learning materials have been evaluated and validated by education professionals, community members and experts from the scientific community. Three-level evaluation through triangulation (self-evaluation, focus group evaluation and evaluation based on individual interviews) has been used to make improvements to the materials.

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Primary education, teaching materials, community, interviews, participatory research
