Validating outdoor early childhood education Keys to discussion



Published 2024-02-04
Larraitz Altuna Gabilondo


In recent years Outdoor Early Childhood Education have gained credibility and have certainly gone breaking the path by claiming the benefits of nature. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought health to the center, the benefits of outdoor education have become more visible than ever before. Along with this movement, this exploratory paper raises new questions. The return to nature and the need to connect with nature are strong arguments for schools to open their doors and get a breath of fresh air. But,is it enough to underline the benefits of nature in children to validate these methodologies? What to evaluate and for what? We wanted to go beyond the benefits of nature, and bring into discussion the evaluation models based on the output profile of preschool children and the educational proposal. From a validation perspective, starting with the question "How beneficial is for children the outdoor education?" we turned to the formulation "Is forest school a fully guaranteed model for the development of preschool children?", and highlighted the conceptual leap between the two. The second will focus not only on the child and the environment, but also on the processes that take place in the school environment and the structural aspects of the educational proposal.

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Outdoor pedagogies; Forest school; Early Childhood; Assessment; Validation.
