Núm. 23 (2006)

Publicado: 14-09-2011


La cerámica cardial y sus imitaciones en la cuenca del Duero y el Alto Ebro

Sergio Moral del Hoyo, Artur Cebrià i Escuer
Abstract 206 | PDF Downloads 2812 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/veleia.2840

Moisés y Rómulo y Remo: entre la historia y el mito

Joaquín Mellado Rodríguez
Abstract 3674 | PDF Downloads 14381 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/veleia.2842

Textual problems in the poems of Theocritus

Heather White
Abstract 138 | PDF Downloads 99 PDF (English) Downloads 245 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/veleia.2856

Notes on the text of Lucan

Heather White
Abstract 153 | PDF Downloads 164 PDF (English) Downloads 254 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/veleia.2862

The Manumission of Slaves in the view of the "Formulae Visigothicae"

Edorta Córcoles Olaitz
Abstract 177 | PDF Downloads 246 PDF (English) Downloads 208 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/veleia.2868


El pseudo Galo y la gramática Latina

Giuseppe Giangrande
Abstract 127 | PDF Downloads 114 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/veleia.2872

Two notes on Pindar

Heather White
Abstract 135 | PDF Downloads 108 PDF (English) Downloads 113 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/veleia.2874

La "Pointe" de un epigrama de Posidipo

Giuseppe Giangrande
Abstract 124 | PDF Downloads 222 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/veleia.2876

Notes on Ovid´s "Epistulae Ex Ponto"

Heather White
Abstract 160 | PDF Downloads 156 PDF (English) Downloads 463 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/veleia.2878

Textual problems in Horace and Virgil

Heather White
Abstract 141 | PDF Downloads 155 PDF (English) Downloads 215 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/veleia.2880

El Nilo y Brixia

Giuseppe Giangrande
Abstract 119 | PDF Downloads 128 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/veleia.2882

Algunos epigramas de la "Anthologia Latina"

Giuseppe Giangrande
Abstract 147 | PDF Downloads 208 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/veleia.2884

On the Text of Propertius

Heather White
Abstract 130 | PDF Downloads 90 PDF (English) Downloads 155 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/veleia.2886

Reseñas bibliográficas

Reseñas bibliográficas

Revista Veleia
Abstract 65 | PDF Downloads 305 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/veleia.2890

Noticias del Instituto de Ciencias de la Antigüedad