Population mobility and relationships between cities in Roman times on the "conventus" of "Caesar Augusta": epigraphical and prosopographical aspects



Published 31-03-2014
Javier Andreu Pintado


Traditionally, the origo references in Latin epigraphic sources have been used by historians to establish population movements in Roman times and also to know the reasons for these movements. Some territories in Roman Spain —such as the conventus of the colony Caesar Augusta (Zaragoza)— represent a very interesting area for this specific research topic not only because of the various mentions of origo included in the epigraphy of those communities, but also because of the presence all over the Iberian Peninsula of those origo references. This paper tries to establish the parameters of population mobility in the conventus Caesaraugustanus, and pays attention to the cases in which this mobility would be caused by previous or consequent relationships between cities, usually built also upon previous contacts between members of their elites.

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Dossier monográfico: Movilidad geográfica en el Imperio Romano. Prácticas religiosas y funerarias