Another look at the transliteration of the tartessian (or south-lusitanian) monumental script



Published 15-09-2015
Jesús Rodríguez Ramos


This paper revises some particular questions regarding the reading of the script in the steles called Tartessian in light of recent epigraphic discoveries. Four main points are suggested: 1) revision of the Algarvian variant of the script, specifically on the use of signs in the shape of «heth» for the letter ta; 2) new support for my proposal on the reading of ku and pu; 3) new evidence for the existence of a fourth sign connected to the vowel u; 4) revision of the problem of whether there was or not some method of notation of the phoneme /m/ in the script, taking into account the signs similar to both the n and the Greek 'my', as well as the possible digraphical value of the groups np to represent either /m/ or another sound.

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