Pope Honorius I's decretal to the Hispanic bishops (638): A hypothesis about its origin
Abstract: This paper analyses the decretal sent by Pope Honorius I to the bishops who took part at the Sixth Council of Toledo (held in 638). In this letter, the pontiff rebuked the Hispanics for being so permissive with the enemies of the faith, especially with the baptized Jews who had returned to their Judaizing customs. Despite the fact that this text is not preserved, the reply of Braulio of Zaragoza to the pontiff, written on behalf of the prelates at the aforementioned Council, has made it feasible to reconstruct its contents. Furthermore, Braulio of Zaragoza's reply also allows us to focus on the reasons which might have led the Pope to compose his decretal, namely rumours spread by some unidentified slanderers. In this sense, the aim of this paper is to elucidate the identity of these individuals. As far as we are concerned, they would be rebels exiled to other countries from which, with the intention of gaining papal favour, they would have made these accusations against the bishops and, implicitly, against the Gothic king.
Keywords: Braulio of Zaragoza, epistle, council, Jews, usurpers, exiled
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