La circulación de materias primas líticas en la transición Mesolítico / Neolítico antiguo en el País Vasco. Los abrigos de Mendandia, Kanpanoste y Aizpea



Published 24-06-2011
Ana Cava Alfonso Alday Antonio Tarriño


In this paper the authors study the provenience of the lithic raw material used by the inhabitants of the rock-shelters of Mendandia (Treviño), Kanpanoste (Álava) and Aizpea (Navarra), visited during the Meolithic and Early Neolithic. They identify the flint outcrops —coastal and pyrenenan Flysch, Urbasa, Treviño, Loza and evaporitic from the Ebro basin— and their exploitation on those sites. They discuss the arguments for differentiating among local or allochthonous resources and evaluate the association between flint type and technology and between flint type and cultural landscape. They describe the territories used from each site as well as the outcrops and assess the tendencies of implication of each of the proveniences of the different occupations.

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