Paleoambiente y antropización en los Pirineos de Navarra durante el Holoceno medio (VI-IV milenios cal. BC): Una perspectiva palinológica



Published 24-06-2011
J.A. López Sáez D. Galop M.J. Iriarte L. López Merino


The palynological research of the archaeological sites of Abauntz, Aizpea and Zatoya, with those of the peat-bogs of Atxuri, Belate, Quinto Real and Artxilondo contribute information on the first indications of the human impact in the landscape of the Western Pyrenees (Navarra, Spain). During the Early Neolithic, the deforestation processes were not very significant, but they are going to increase their impact during the V millennium cal BC. After this period, the anthropic processes are much more marked, possibly as a consequence of exploitation of the environment in different ways (cattle farming and agriculture).

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