Sobre usos del binomio "ager-saltus" y del término "romanización" en relación a los procesos de cambio vividos durante la etapa romana en el área circumpirenaica occidental



Published 24-06-2011
K. Larrañaga


The object of this paper is to see the use that the historiographical praxis has done of the doublet ager-saltus, use now criticized by somet, —just as the one of the concept of romanisation and of the doublet integration-marginality— in order to characterize the processes of change lived by the peoples of the area around the Pyrenees during the colonial Roman period. For the author, who does not ignore the false assumptions or the imbalances of design that have been found in the origin of such concepts —assumptions and imbalances that are still present in certain historiographical practices—, the use of those are still usefull, while there are not found, at academic level, others less touched by these vices of origin but as expressive and adecuate as those are to understand and illustrate the somewhat peculiar cultural evolution that the area lived in the Ancient Age.

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