Las ocupaciones rupestres en el fin de la Antigüedad. Los materiales cerámicos de Los Husos (Laguardia, Álava)



Published 24-06-2011
Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo Alberto Alonso Martín


In this paper, the pottery found in the caves of Los Husos during the recent archaeological works of J. Fernández Eraso, is briefly analyzed. It is a domestic occupation, dated in the Vth and the beginning of the VIth centuries.

Likewise, it is made a critical valuation of the historiography of the cave occupations during the historical period in the Basque Country, taking into account other European recent works.

Finally, an interpretative proposal of the meaning of the occupation of Lus Husos is made, in the context of the social transformations that took place during the Early Middle Ages.

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