Magonia or Maonia? On the origins of the name of a mythic land



Published 02-02-2021
Juan Antonio Jiménez Sánchez


The present work aims to study the origin of the name of Magonia, a place name that, despite its great popularity, corresponds to a hapax only documented in a Agobard of Lyon’s work, although a Florus’ gloss to Augustine offers the Maonia variant. In order to find the origin of this word, we will analyze 7th and 8th centuries Frankish texts which allude to the maones ‒harvest thieves who made use of magical means‒, we will examine the proposals of contemporary historiography, and finally we will offer our own hypothesis: the name of Magonia comes from Hemonia (Thessaly), even though it later lost the toponymic component and recovered it in the 9th century with Agobard, who created the Magonia form to refer to a place that no longer had anything to do with reality.
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