A new approach to CLE 1507
The aim of this paper is to offer a new proposal for the interpretation of the inscribed verse that in Bücheler's corpus occupies the number 1507, found in Vic-le-Fesq (Gard) and currently conserved in the Musée archéologique de Nîmes. The most recent study of this epigraph is that by H. Belloc (2006), who recognises as valid the previous studies that correlate the inscription with the archaeological remains of a supposed temple close to the discovery of the piece. After a formal presentation, based on the bibliography relating to the study of the inscription since it was found, we proceed to a complete analysis of the text. For this purpose, regarding the methodology, the terms of the verse that qualify the lovers (i.e. coronae, amantes) will be compared with similar ones in the literary sources (Turpil. com. 201-202 and Prop. 3.3.47). An examination of the semantic structure used by the poet, known to have a double construction (Kühner, Holzweissig & Stegmann 1914, 334-336): accusative + ablative (e.g. donare aliquem aliqua re) or accusative + dative (e.g. donare aliquid alicui), will also be considered. In this way it will be attempted to show that the inscription is meaningful in itself and that it consists of an promotional message, finally providing a translation beyond the literal.
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