Moisés y Rómulo y Remo: entre la historia y el mito
A significant number of common characteristics can be established among the well-known tales about the births and prodigious salvations of the founders of great peoples such as Moses, Romulus and Remus and Habis. This enables us to posit a common myth adapted to different circumstances: mortal danger surrounding a defenceless child who is beset by a ruling tyrant; the impossibility of human salvation; the child is saved by his own or his people's worst enemy; the child grows up, and becomes the leader and great legislator of his people.
The respective peoples should draw the expected didactic and moral conclusions: the child's salvation is due to the direct action of divinity, which had already predestined him; he is chosen by the divinity to save and enhance this people; this election confers on those chosen the authority and moral support which justify their subsequent performance and enable them to become the great rulers of their respective peoples.
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