La cuestión de las azagayas de base hendida magdalenienses en la Cornisa Cantábrica



Published 20-10-2011
Xabier Peñalver Iribarren José Antonio Mujika Alustiza


During the excavation of the cave Praile Aitz (Deba, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country), it was found an antler assegai with a cleaved base, in a limestone floor. There, it was defined a settlement which was formed by a fireplace, rests of industry, fauna and some pendants. The aforementioned materials date from the Lower Cantabric Magdalenian period (15.190-15.810 BC). Taking advantage of this discovery, it was made a revision of similar samples that were found in other Cantabric sites (Balmori, El Castillo). The possible Magdalenian chronology of the Santimamiñe sample is being suggested.
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