El corpus hagiográfico latino en torno a la figura de Isidoro de Sevilla en la Hispania tardoantigua y medieval (ss. VII-XIII)



Published 20-10-2011
José Carlos Martín


In this paper, we analyze the perception of the figure of Isidore of Seville († 636) in Medieval Spain from his death until the XIIIth Century by means of all the Latin compositions consecrated to his memory in hagiographic or homiletic genre, or in De uiris illustribus treatises. With this aim, we establish the corpus of all the remaining Latin works written in Medieval Spain about the Sevillian bishop, indicating the critical editions of these texts or their manuscript tradition, if there is not a critical edition. Then we study the image of this Spanish saint in these compositions, their sources and their reciprocal relations. This survey makes possible to determinate the place where the anonymous works were written and to establish their approximate date.

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