Los «moderados» atenienses y la implantación de la oligarquía. Corrientes políticas en Atenas entre 411 y 403 a. C



Published 24-10-2011
Laura Sancho Rocher


This study deals with a historiographic question that concerns the understanding of the political struggle in the last period of the Peloponesian War and, on the other side, the beginnig of the fourth century. The problem is whether there is a specific political tendency, with a concrete political program between oligarchy and democracy, whose highest personification is enigmatic, Theramenes, or not.

In order to solve the matter, I examine the political groups existing in the post-civil war Athens; then I analyse the textual sources about Theramenes and patrios politeia as well as the reforms introduced after the democratic victory of 403. My conclusion is that there's not a concrete project of «moderate constitution». Finally, I propose a solution to the historiographic riddle: the responsible for this historiographic mirage should be the Athenaion Politeia attributed to Aristotle.

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