La inscripción CILA III,1 n.º 216, la romanización onomástica y la pervivencia de elementos indígenas en la Cástulo romana



Published 20-02-2012
Jesús Rodríguez Ramos


This paper deals with an inscription from Castulo in the Latin alphabet which is known only from a copy in an old manuscript. The inscription reveals an important series of Iberian personal name features, as well as some signs of indigenous words which would imply that this is the third Castulo's inscription in an unknown indigenous language. Furthermore it draws attention to the dua nomina structure of personal names, the same as that of the Ilerdenses in the Turma Salluitana (where it has been related with the "ius latium"); this coincidence indicates the existence of a common pattern of romanization in a large area of Hispania.

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