The Antique Epigraphic Tradition in Hispanic Inscriptions of the 15th and 16th Centuries



Published 15-04-2013
Manuel Ramírez Sánchez


We study the introduction of Humanistic writing in the Spanish Renaissance inscriptions and its development across the various epigraphic programmes during the 15th and 16th centuries. The first signs of the litterae antiquae in Hispanic epigraphy are found in the first Renaissance-style funerary monuments. However, it was soon used in public contexts as a propaganda and self-representation element by the dynasty of the Austrias, as well as some of the nobility, which saw in the recovery of the classical tradition models, a new way of representing power through image and script.

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III. "Ex codice ad titulum". Modelos para la epigrafía del Renacimiento y del Barroco