About the Journal

Focus and scope

The journal AusArt aims to be a point of reference for research production in contemporary art as a central place in the analysis of our culture. At the very core of AusArt is the debate on what research in art means today.

It is born with a multidisciplinary perspective, where theoretical production and creative processes converge, with special emphasis on the participation and interaction of cultural and technological processes.

AusArt magazine is conceived as a place for reflection and discussion open to the entire artistic community and interested university community. It allows researchers and art professionals to have a regular option in which to present and publish their results.

Publication in AusArt

Proposals for articles will be submitted through the OJS platform, within the deadlines specified in each call for articles (normally 3-4 months before the publication of each issue). The articles submitted must be original and unpublished and not in the process of publication in any other medium. They may be subject to plagiarism assessment processes through the Similarity Check system or similar.

Proposals are redirected by the Editorial board to 2 expert reviewers in the field of research concerned, who review and decide on the relevance of the manuscripts according to the guidelines of blind peer review.

AusArt's panel of reviewers considers the relevance of the proposals, their suitability to the theme of the different monographs, the methodology, the argumentative structure, the degree of novelty with respect to previous research...

AusArt does not charge submission fees, nor does it charge fees for the publication of its articles.

Open access policy

AusArt guarantees open access to all published content, with the aim of promoting research that is free and accessible to everyone, thus supporting a global exchange of knowledge.

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Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

You are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
    for any purpose, even commercially.

The copyright of each article rests with the author(s).


AusArt is published twice a year (January and July, starting in 2024), in a hybrid way (electronic and paper versions).


Faculty of Fine Arts UPV/EHU

History of the magazine

AusArt began with the Dec. 2013 issue, under the direction of Josu Rekalde Izagirre. From 2021, the editors of the journal are Natxo Rodríguez Arkaute and Arantza Lauzirika Morea.

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