Citizen participation for a better city Cities designed by and for children



Published 2013-11-07
Patricia Celaya Reoyo


Until recently, cities have been developed thinking about the average citizen, considered this, man, middle-age and worker, ignoring the needs of other citizens. However, along with the need for urban regeneration that emerged in the cities of our country, are being put in place initiatives that seek to a better city, a city proposal, but also developed by all and for all. Following this line of civil actions, I try to put in value the capacities of the children, taking in consideration his opinion as citizens and working with them to improve the way of life in towns and cities. In 1989, the United Nations promulgated the Convention on the Rights of the Child, who turned into Law in 1990, after being signed and accepted by twenty countries, including Spain. From this moment, the child is recognized citizen from birth, which carries, among other things, the right of minors of 18 years to take part actively in the society. On the other hand, on the basis of studies and projects carried out by the pedagogue Francesco Tonucci, is being shown that work participation with children is effective and satisfactory results are obtained. Taking into account these considerations, this project proposes to realize participatory actions with children and teenagers from 3 to 16 years accompanied by educators and architects, so that they express their concerns in relation to their city and propose actions to solve detected needs. It has begun to work with town and city councils of Gipuzkoa, through the organization of a series of activities that show that this relationship between local authorities and children citizens is beneficial for the positive development of the cities.

How to Cite

Celaya Reoyo, Patricia. 2013. “Citizen Participation for a Better City: Cities Designed by and for Children”. AusArt 1 (1-2).
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