(Re)building common spatiality Practices of action and creation in the public sphere



Published 2013-11-07
Leticia González Menéndez


How we define public space is intimately connected with ideas about what it means to be human the nature of society and the kind of political community we want” (Deutsche 1996). From this idea and, taking into account the harsh panorama and current social scene through which the current global social order is structured, there has been a need and an attempt to look for new models of sub­jectivity production that take up again creative forms of experience. As a result, public space has been tried to be articulated and made up like a place of resingularization, of goods and common space and, above all, like a place of action and participation. The main aim and objective of this communication is establishing a thoughtful mapmaking and cartography focused on how the artistic practice can generate critical ways of repair in the social network and manners of the reconfiguration of “the common” from a collective and creative position. That is the reason why the analysis of different and varied consider­ations has been suggested such as the functionality of determined artistic practices developed in public space; its conformation from perspectives which reconstruct the dynamics of being-in-group, based on the idea of new aesthetic paradigms; and the development of different micro-politics and micro-social practices of communication and symbolic production. In short, it´s a question of establishing an analysis which allows us to understand what manners, and through what kind of strategies, the artistic practice can generate and create different means of resistance and governability in public places.

How to Cite

González Menéndez, Leticia. 2013. “(Re)building Common Spatiality: Practices of Action and Creation in the Public Sphere”. AusArt 1 (1-2). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.10389.
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