Entropy An exquisite corpse
In contemporary art, the searching of notions related to entropy is justified by the wide recognition gained in the artistic and cultural field in the XX century. But entropy is an elusive term. In their meanings, notions of energy, order and disorder, and information are mixed together. The term "entropy" was originally used in thermodynamics, then in statistical mechanics, and decades later, in communication theory. The development of its theoretical formulation has served to explain much of the overall trend of events, both for natural systems and for social and cultural systems, along the century. At the same time, the acceptance of the entropical disorder as a phenomenon of the contemporaneity acquires significant influence inside the artistic practice. In order to understand the recurrence of the concept in the practice and artistic theory, from an operational point of view, we believe that it would be desirable to begin from the time of its statement in physics, and to go ahead after setting out its scientific link with the field of Biology, Technology, Social Sciences and cognitive experience.
How to Cite
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