Collective architectures for common spaces



Published 2014-09-24
Mijo Miquel Bartual


Through the analysis of reactivation practices applied to both public and private spaces in Valen­cia, the author proposes a direct link between collective processes in the construction of spaces, and the constitution of ephemeral communities provoking political change. Such communities are instituted as to govern their own territory through self-management and autonomy, adopting the necessary rules for doing so. This process of self-organization presupposes the constant production of social bond as well as well as a transformative local capillarity. These joint collaborative projects with a multidisciplinary character, (where architects, sociologists, philosophers, art theorists and art producers along with citizens, create shared structures for participa­tion), allow these synergies to leave a real mark on the territory. Thus, agents creating territorial dynamic processes can legitimize themselves facing the Administration as well as citizens, with the ability to target certain urban transformations that occur in their territory.

How to Cite

Miquel Bartual, Mijo. 2014. “Collective Architectures for Common Spaces”. AusArt 2 (1).
Abstract 322 | PDF (Español) Downloads 290




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