Artistic practice as a device for political action



Published 2015-01-01
Camilo Torres Zorrilla


A critical approach to contemporaneity enables us to reflect on the ways in which a model of "new" institutionality is reproduced and expanded today through national states. This form imposed by capitalist policies supports the great foundations of the hegemonic discourse of domination that marks our times: globalization. To tackle the notion of the way in which artistic endeavour can take on the shape of a dispositif for political action, we will set out from the concept coined by Michel Foucault and focus on it through several levels of problematization. The aim is to understand it as a whole that is articulated by diverse heterogeneous elements that interrelate in a complex fashion, allowing different readings to occur, questioning and challenging the recipient. This article studies some of the proposals made by the visual artists Alfredo Jaar and Juan Castillo. Analysing the value of projects that are produced through the context in which they are confined and their direct relation with it.

How to Cite

Torres Zorrilla, Camilo. 2015. “Artistic Practice As a Device for Political Action”. AusArt 2 (2).
Abstract 493 | PDF (Español) Downloads 863




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