The abstract matter configured in the statue as common and popular



Published 2015-01-01
David Pavo Cuadrado


The aesthetic thinking of the basque sculptor Jorge Oteiza (1908-2003) is based on the abstract and statue notions. Both are linked to the method or the Molecular Aesthetic Equation that this artist suggest as a tool to realize of the nature of an artwork, also referred as statue or Aesthetic Being. The first interest, the abstract, allude to the plastic that the artwork contains, in which the popular of a subject is resolved, his town and period, and for his configuration he suggest the collision of two ontological worlds, the real and the ideal. The second interest, the statue, apart from the abstract matter, will need a third ontological world, the vital. The sculptor understands that the artist´s work is developed in two phases, one of creation and the other of application. He will propose for the second phase to recognise the abstract matter which is built in the first phase in order to apply in the daily life. The thesis of the article suggest to open the possibility to another operation which mantain at the shared space the vital for the configuration of the statue, in which we will approach basing in the jondo issue.

How to Cite

Pavo Cuadrado, David. 2015. “The Abstract Matter Configured in the Statue As Common and Popular”. AusArt 2 (2).
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