The dance and its voice Experiences in current choreographic practice



Published 2015-07-13
Ixiar Rozas Elizalde


This essay takes as starting point the question posed by Gilles Deleuze –following Spinoza—, the well known What can a body do?, in order to reformulate it into: What can the interweaving of voice, body, word and language do within dance? Through this question and researching the work by artists such us Vera Mantero, Idoia Zabaleta, Filipa Francisco and Irena Tomazin, the text explores the field of experience, as well as the meanings that arise from a dance that bursts into speaking.

How to Cite

Rozas Elizalde, Ixiar. 2015. “The Dance and Its Voice: Experiences in Current Choreographic Practice”. AusArt 3 (1).
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