Dance in people with intellectual disabilities: Systematic review and identification of the elements necessary to evaluate changes in movement
Silvia Barnet Lopez
Susana Pérez Testor
Mar Arbonés Garcia
Myriam Guerra Balic
From a holistic approach, the dance is considered a tool which contributes to the wellbeing of a person. Previous studies claimed to improve the emotional and physical well-being through the Human Figure Drawing (HFD) on a population with intellectual disability (ID). The HFD was evaluated before and after a dance session, but not throughout it. Therefore, the objectives of this study are: update previous studies of the HFD test on a ID population participating in dance activities. To review the most appropriate type of instrument for people with ID to supplement the information obtained from the HFD test related to the changes in motion that occur during the dance session. Determinate which characteristics the protocol should have in order to generate an evaluation tool to assess movement changes.
How to Cite
Barnet Lopez, Silvia, Susana Pérez Testor, Mar Arbonés Garcia, and Myriam Guerra Balic. 2015. “Dance in People With Intellectual Disabilities: Systematic Review and Identification of the Elements Necessary to Evaluate Changes in Movement”. AusArt 3 (1).
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Anguera Argilaga, María Teresa. 1989. Metodología de la Observación en las ciencias humanas. Madrid: Cátedra
Ballesta Cervantes, Ana María, Onil Vizcaíno y Eva Cristina Mesas Escobar. 2011. "El Arte como un lenguaje posible en las personas con capacidades diversas". Arte y Políticas de Identidad 4: 137-52
Barnet López, Silvia y Myriam Guerra Balic. 2012. "La danza como recurso para fomentar el bienestar emocional". Póster presentado en el II Congreso Nacional de Investigación en Danza, Barcelona
Barnet López, Silvia, Susana Pérez Testor y Myriam Guerra Balic. 2013. "El autoconcepto en la Danza Movimiento Terapia con personas adultas con discapacidad intelectual: Estudio de un caso grupal". Póster presentado en el III Congreso Nacional de Terapias Creativas", Vitoria
Fischman, Diana. 2008. "Relación terapéutica y empatía kinestésica". Pp. 81-96 en La vida es danza: El arte y la ciencia de la Danza Movimiento Terapia, Hilda Wengrower y Sharon Chaiklin, coords. Barcelona: Gedisa
Hecox, Bernadette, Ellen Levine & Diana Scott. 1975. "A report of the use of dance in physical rehabilitation". Rehabilitation Literature 36: 11-15
Hurley, Anne, Daniel Tomasulo & Albert Pfadt. 1998. "Individual and group psychotherapy: Approaches for persons with mental retardation and developmental disabilities". Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 10: 365-86
Jané Ballabriga, Maria Claustre. 2004. "Diagnòstic dual en la deficiència mental". Suports 8: 42-58
Koch, Sabine, Teresa Kunz, Sissy Lykou & Robin Cruz. 2014. "Effects of dance movement therapy and dance on health-related psychological outcomes: A meta-analysis". The Arts in Psychotherapy 41: 46-64
Koppitz, Elizabeth. 2000. El dibujo de la figura humana. Buenos Aires: Guadalupe
Laban, Rudolf. 1987. El dominio del movimiento. Madrid: Fundamentos.
Martín Borràs, María Carmen, Susana Pérez Testor y Myriam Guerra Balic. 2009. "La danza y la expresión corporal en el desarrollo emocional de la adolescente saharaui: estudio piloto". En Inteligencia emocional, 20 años de investigación y desarrollo: II Congreso Internacional de Inteligencia Emocional, Santander: Fundación Botín
Pérez-Testor, Susana y Anna Griñó Roca. 2014. "Proyecto DEC Danza Esquema Corporal: Dibujo de la figura humana con estudiantes adolescentes que practican danza contemporánea". En III Congreso Internacional de Danza, Investigación y Educación: Género e Inclusión Social, Málaga. En prensa.
Pérez-Testor, Susana, Xavier de Blas Foix, Silvia Barnet López y Elisa Guerra Bálic. 2012. "Initial assessment and exclusion criteria of the human figure drawing with university students in Taiwan". Pp. 374-7 en Together for physical education. Barcelona: Universitat Ramon Llull
Pérez-Testor, Susana, Montse Sanahuja-Maymó y Elisa Guerra Bálic, Eloisa Martínez Torregrosa, Núria Massó Ortigosa y Lluís Costa Tutusaus. 2009. "Impact of a creative dance class on intellectual and affective development in Down Syndrome adolescents". Pp. 129-30 en IADMS 19th Annual Meeting: Abstracts. The Hague
Ritter, Meredith & Kathryn Low. 1996. "Effects of dance/movement therapy: A meta-analysis". The Arts in Psychotherapy 23: 249-60
Rogers, Susan. 1977. "Contributions of dance therapy in a treatment program for retarded adolescents and adults". Art Psychotherapy 4: 195-7
Tipple, Blanche. 1975. "Dance therapy and education". Journal of Leisurability 2(4): 9–12
Verdonschot, Manon M.L, L.P. de Witte, E. Reichrath, W.H.E. Buntinx & L.M.G. Curfs. 2009. "Impact of environmental factors on community participation of persons with an intelectual disability: A systematic review". Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 53: 55-64
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