The integration of emotional competences in the curriculum of the regulated teachings of Dance of the Basque Country



Published 2015-07-14
Edurne Martínez Hervías Clara Urdangarin Liebaert


Dance formal education build their teaching methodology on an almost non-existent emotional education. The integration of emotional competencies in the teaching of this artistic and educational discipline is vital. We analyze the DECREE 404/2013, of 30 August, establishing the curriculum of elementary Dance education, and the DECREE 252/2007 of 26 December, establishing the curriculum of professional Dance education developed by the Basque Government. We note that both allude to the development of a series of emotional competencies. However, no specific proposal is made on this aspect creating an imbalance between expected effects and the reality of educational practice.

How to Cite

Martínez Hervías, Edurne, and Clara Urdangarin Liebaert. 2015. “The Integration of Emotional Competences in the Curriculum of the Regulated Teachings of Dance of the Basque Country”. AusArt 3 (1).
Abstract 722 | PDF (Español) Downloads 742




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