Projectual tools in the work of Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker Choreographic project and architectural project; Parallelisms



Published 2015-07-13
Marta Llorente Pascual


This essay attempts to establish a theoretical relationship between the choreographic project and the architectural project, pointing out similarities when creating in both disciplines. Through the choreographic analysis of several pieces of Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker´s work, certain design tools will be defined as fundamental elements of her artistic creation. Concepts such as "drawing", "structure", "repetition" and "rhythm", that constitute choreographic strategies and are also used in the architectonical context. Therefore new connections between both fields are suggested. In short, it refers to conceptual parallelisms that can be very useful when creating or understanding one discipline or the other and they help us interpreting the works.

How to Cite

Llorente Pascual, Marta. 2015. “Projectual Tools in the Work of Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker: Choreographic Project and Architectural Project; Parallelisms”. AusArt 3 (1).
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