Listening laboratories



Published 2016-02-25
Maria Raquel da Silva Stolf


This paper seeks to examine researches about silence experiences as well as about proposals involving a porous listening, reflections that dialog with authors like Roland Barthes, Jean-Luc Nancy, Brandon LaBelle, Peter Galison, among others. Such investigations move the process of two installations, Silences assonances [listening room] (2008-2010) and 60 stacked silences (2010-2014), that articulate relations between sound and written components by proposing situations of reading and listening silences. It presents also reflections on the intersections between silence and noise, from the reference to John Cage, and on silence as a sense interruption and about a kind of acoustic silence: the locations of silence – where and to where silences happen? In the meeting or mismatch between hearing, listening, context and sense? However, how to propose an acoustic silence?

How to Cite

Stolf, Maria Raquel da Silva. 2016. “Listening Laboratories”. AusArt 3 (2).
Abstract 576 | PDF (Português (Portugal)) Downloads 376




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