Numbers to numbers: Audiovisualization for relational live sampling methods



Published 2016-07-12
Carlos García Miragall Francisco Sanmatín Piquer


Development of a sound visualization method based on digital samples, these samples were obtained from the real-time scanning. The method is suitable for audiovisual live events within the tradition of Visual Music. If we consider that: a digitized sound is just a set of numbers arranged in time, and an image it is no more than a set of pixels ordained in space. The proposed method takes the numerical values of the sound samples and spatially located they, generating a moving image. Depending on the method used for the spatial positioning of the samples, the number of sound samples used, and the number of sound sources, we get different visualization algorithms families with own aesthetic characteristics. This work establishes the necessary measures to address the sound visualization based on samples, and presents case studies performed with a sofware developed in Java programming language.

How to Cite

García Miragall, Carlos, and Francisco Sanmatín Piquer. 2016. “Numbers to Numbers: Audiovisualization for Relational Live Sampling Methods”. AusArt 4 (1).
Abstract 431 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1059




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