Datascape: Amateur cartographers and digital communities



Published 2016-07-12
Blanca Montalvo Gallego


The maps tells us stories that fascinate us. The bottom up currents facilitate the existance of multiple narrators, and the creation of communities that foster exchanges and reaffirm the authority of individual efforts outside the institution and large companies. The maps have defined the world for decades, but now each of us are the center of our cartographic landscape: the distances are measured from the point where we are, and from there the whole reorganizes and changes of scale. This situation promotes a new technological landscap, sometimes by reclaiming territories or data visualization, speaking more of the beholder that the object contemplated.

How to Cite

Montalvo Gallego, Blanca. 2016. “Datascape: Amateur Cartographers and Digital Communities”. AusArt 4 (1).
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